@inproceedings{ Laz-Ruiz_CANO_Altea-manzano_Unciti-Broceta_LÓPEZ_Espejo_Díaz-Mochón_SÁNCHEZ,
author = { Jose Antonio Laz-Ruiz and VICTORIA CANO CORTES and Patricia Altea-manzano and Juan Diego Unciti-Broceta and FRANCISCO JAVIER LÓPEZ DELGADO and José Manuel Espejo Román and Juan José Díaz-Mochón and ROSARIO MARÍA SÁNCHEZ MARTÍN } ,
title = { Selective drug delivery in cell coculture systems based on active targeting polymeric nanocarriers },
booktitle = { IX Jornadas de Medicina Genómica y Oncología de GENYO 2022 },
year = { 2021 },
pages = { None - None },
location = { Granada },