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M.J. Muñoz Alferez, B. Clares Naveros, A. Conejo García, O.M. Cruz-López, E. García Fernández, M.D.C. González García , E. González Muñoz, J.M. Gonzalez Perez, J.A. González Vera, A.I.D. Moral García, C. Monteagudo, J.M. Paredes Martínez, P. Rodriguez Bouzas, M. Romero Pérez, M.J. Ruedas Rama, M. Sanchez Polo, E.M. Talavera-Rodriguez, J. Valverde Pozo, A. González-Muñoz, L. González -Robles, M.Á. Huertas -Martínez and R.C. Navarrete Casas,  "Tutorial action and orientation for university students during the COVID-19 pandemic at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Granada", "EDULEARN21 Proceedings ", 3488-3495, 2021
J.M. Paredes Martínez, M. Sanchez Polo, M.J. Ruedas Rama, A. Conejo García, J.M. Gonzalez Perez, E.M. Talavera-Rodriguez, E. García Fernández, J.A. González Vera, C. Monteagudo, R.C. Navarrete Casas, P. Rodriguez Bouzas, M. Romero Pérez, E. González Muñoz, M.D.C. González García and M.J. Muñoz Alferez,  "Tutorial, professional, personal and academic orientation of university students "TUTORGRADOS 2.0"", "ICERI2019 Proceedings", 5163-5170, 2019
A. Aguilar Garrido, C.R. Rodriguez-Pleguezuelo, M. Chayah Ghaddab and S. Sayadi-Gmada,  "Natural fibers in Andalusia: Potential development of industrial hemp", "Libro de Actas del II Congreso de Jóvenes Investigadores en Ciencias Agroalimentarias", 239-239, 2019
A. Dominguez-Martin, M.E. Garcia Rubiño, A. Lorente, C.R. Maldonado, M.A. Galindo Cuesta, R.M. Sánchez Martín, A. Orte Gutierrez, M.J. Pineda De Las Infantas Villatoro, A. Matilla Hernandez and J. Niclos Gutierrez,  "SPOCS: AN OUTSTANDING E-LEARNING TOOL", "Proceedings of ICERI2019 Conference", 276-282, 2019
O.M. Cruz-López, A. Conejo García and J.M. Campos-Rosa,  "Synthesis of 1,4-benzoxathiin-9H-purine derivatives as antiproliferative agents", "Targets In Heterocyclic Systems", 372-388, 2018
A. Ramírez , H. Boulaiz Tassi, C. Morata Tarifa, M. Perán, G. Jimenez, M. Picón Ruiz, A. Agil Abdalla, A. Conejo García, J.M. Campos-Rosa, M. Garcia and J.A. Marchal Corrales,  "Her2-signaling pathwa; JNK and ERKs kinases, and cancer stem-like cells are targets of Bozepinib small compound", "ONCOTARGET", 3590-3606, 2014
M.D. Carrión Peregrina "Utilización de la herramienta Google Docs¿ en la Docencia Universitaria dentro del marco del EEES", ": Innovación Docente y Buenas Prácticas en la Universidad de Granada", -, 2013
J.M. Campos-Rosa, M.D.C. Nuñez-Carretero, A. Conejo García and O.M. Cruz-López,  "Benzo-Fused Seven and Six-Membered Derivatives Linked to Pyrimidines or Purines Induce Apoptosis of Human Metastatic Breast Cancer MCF¿7 Cells in Vitro ", "Breast Cancer - Current and Alternative Therapeutic Modalities", 115-132, 2011

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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