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M.D. Carrion, M. Chayah Ghaddab and J. Campos,  "The use of wiki to promote students¿ learning in higher education (Degree in Pharmacy)",  International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, vol.13 , 1-8, 2016
M.E. Camacho-Quesada, M.D. Carrión Peregrina, M. Chayah Ghaddab and J.M. Campos-Rosa,  "The use of wiki to promote students¿learning in higher education (Degree in Pharmacy)",  International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, vol.13 , 1-8, 2016
C. Lozano-López, M.E. Garcia Rubiño, S. Colombo, D. Choquesillo-Lazarte, M.A. Gallo-Mezo and J.M. Campos Rosa,  "Benzyl groups linked to purines with anticancer activities", "II simposio de jóvenes investigadores de la sociedad española de química terapéutica", None-None, 2015
C. Lozano-López, M.E. Garcia Rubiño, C. Nuñez-Carretero, A.P. Luz, D. Choquesillo-Lazarte, J.M. García-Ruiz , M.A. Gallo-Mezo and J.M. Campos Rosa,  "Control of the regioselectivity and stereochemistry under microwave conditions of purine derivatives", "II simposio de jóvenes investigadores de la sociedad española de química terapéutica", None-None, 2015
M.D. Carrion, M.E. Camacho Quesada, J.M. Campos and M. Chayah Ghaddab,  "Creation and use of a wiki in higher education: results in Organic Chemistry", "International Congress of Education, Innovation and Learning Technologies (Iceilt)", None-None, 2015
M.D. Carrión Peregrina, M.E. Camacho Quesada, J.M. Campos Rosa and M. Chayah Ghaddab,  "Creation and use of a wiki in higher education: Results in organic chemistry", "International Congress on Education, Innovation and Learning Technologies", None-None, 2015
M.E. Garcia Rubiño, A. Conejo García, M.D.C. Nuñez-Carretero, E. Carrasco, M.Á. García, M.A. Gallo-Mezo, J.A. Marchal Corrales, D. Choquesillo-Lazarte and J.M. Campos Rosa,  "Enantiospecific synthesis of homochiral compounds with different levels of apoptosis in human cell line MCF-7", "SIMCC 2015 Spanish-Italian Medicinal Chemistry Congress", None-None, 2015
M.J. Alferez, M.D. Carrión Peregrina and M.E. Camacho-Quesada,  "Four years of tutorial innovation in the degree courses at Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Granada. Tutorgrados ", "International Congress of Education, Innovation and Learning Technologies (Iceilt).", None-None, 2015

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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